Went to the South Holston with the Lynchburg Fly Tying group Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was three days of fishing, good eating, and good times. The lodge we stayed at was right on the river and was fairly nice. It had 7 beds and we brought 11 people so it was a little cramped but not bad at all. Fishing was by no means good but that was due to a crappy generation schedule and it being the first time I fish the SoHo. Bill and Doug came as well and I'm very glad Bill brought his raft. They were forecasting no generation for Saturday or Sunday and they ended up generating from 9 am to 5 pm on Sat due to a project healing water event going on there. I guess they were teaching people how to use drift boats or something and got special permission to have TVA generate all day. Sunday there was generation from 9 am to noon so besides some early morning fishing, we just packed up and left on Sunday. I caught fish every day I was there so I can't complain, but it was still sub par fishing at best. Friday was decent day fishing in the afternoon. Sulphurs were hatching and managed to pull in a couple once I got zeroed in. Bill got to take his raft out for the first time on Saturday and it was a fish lacking float, but we learned a lot about the section we floated and we had a blast with Doug in the raft with us. Managed to still pull in a few fish on Saturday with them generating so all was good. Woke up Sunday morning and caught one pretty brown and decided to pack up to head back to the burg. Wasn't feeling very good to fish due to the whole dog house thing that I will explain at the end. Sorry it was so long winded but I am setting the story up and here are a few crappy pictures from the trip.
Cabin we stayed at. |
Leaves sure feel like trout when first snagged. |
First SoHo trout is an ugly stogger bow. |
Finally a pretty colored up brown. |
Nice way to cap off the evening. |
Bill with his raft. |
Last brown trout before leaving. Did catch one that was a bit bigger, but didn't have my camera on me at the time. |
Now time for the reason why I titled this the doghouse trip.
Saturday we got done with the first float we were planning on doing around 1 and we were planning on doing the same float again since they were generating till 5. We were loading the boat onto the trailer and the handle slipped my wedding ring off my hand when we dropped the boat to take a break. I immediately felt this happen and the three of us began the search. This happened on a slight slope in a field next to our lodge. We searched, other guys searched as they rolled in from fishing, I researched several times throughout the day and even at night with a flashlight with no luck. I have no idea why we couldn't find that ring. A couple guys that were with us came up and asked what the ring looks like. I told them "its a white gold, custom made ring with my wife's finger print going around the band." Their eyes bugged out because they realized the serious trouble that I was in. I felt bad I ruined Doug and Bill's fishing for the evening on Saturday but they are stand up guys and would fish with these two any day. Doug even ran up with me to a house down the road to get a rake so we could comb the area. Managed to come to an old local guy's house who was an interesting character. He was the kind of guy you would want around the camp fire just to hear his stories. He realized the soon to be wrath that I would surely face and lent out a rake. When we returned the rake to no avail, he told us his son in law lived next door and had a metal detector, but was out of town. On Sunday before we left we swung by his house to let him know we never found the ring and he said he'd get his son in law to try to find it with his metal detector whenever he gets back in town. As we were pulling out of his drive way he flagged us down and went and got a rose from his garden. He said "I have a feeling you’re going to need this when you get back home".

He was sure right. My wife was upset, but it could be worst. I did have a good time aside from losing the ring and had a good time with everyone who went. The fishing wasn't great, but I've realized you don't need to catch fish to have a good time. I probably won't be fishing for a while due to losing my wedding ring within four months of being married.....but you live and you learn.
P.S. also found out I have leaky waders during the trip. Icying on the cake.
I LOVE the Holston. One of the best places to fish in this region for sure.