Today the college canceled all classes due to a school wide assessment day. Assessment day to me equals day fishing for wild brookies! Only downfall was it poured all day long the day before (And when I say all day, I mean from Midnight Monday to Midnight on Tuesday). I knew the water levels would be high, but I have had this small creek marked on my topo map that I've wanted to fish for a while now. So a friend of mine and me decide to go still and just hope for the best. It was about a 2.5 mile hike to get to the creek and the creek went straight up in between to mountains. The creek was gorgeous, but very difficult to fish, with the bow n' arrow cast being a necessity with all the over hanging trees. My friend had a little more difficult of a time with his fly cast since he's still a little new to fly fishing, but he hung in there good. I ended up catching two small minnows that were two inches long maybe and my friend ended up catching one minnow the same size. Saw one brookie and that was all. The water levels were a little high, but I blame the lack of insect life for the lack of fish..... I turned over so many rocks and saw zero insect life. I know there is some insects in there due to the fact that a big adult Mayfly landed on my rod, but overall it was quite disappointing. So overall the creek was scenic, with deep pools and does contain brookies, but the presence of brook trout doesn't seem very strong. Don't think I'll be heading back there, but glad to get off campus for a day and explore some new waters.
Here are some pics from today:
Trail heading towards creek. | | | | | | | | | | | |
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The Creek |
A decent pool |
The biggest thing I caught all day. |
The Skink getting payback |
Another Stream picture |
Picture of my Brookie Slayer rod and a Royal Wulff Variation |
Mayfly that came to visit. |
Maybe your title should say 'Getting Skinked' Ahehe. Looks like a great stretch of water. It's hard to imagine having a bad day out there.