I fished for some stripers in the mouth of the Potomac River this weekend. The striper run is a little late this year and the number of stripers that had already spawned and made their way back down to the lower part of the river were few. On the radio we heard of a few guys putting stripers in the boat, but the fish were really spread out and lots of water had to be covered. My friend who runs Chubby's Charters (
http://www.chubbyscharter.com/ ) had me out at his place for the weekend. We planned on fly fishing a little for them, but we decided to just troll around and cover more water. I really enjoyed just taking in the scenery with my camera.
Okay, I did throw a fly a little bit. |
We hooked up on one fish while trolling. It was a nice striper that put up an impressive fight. Lost it right at the boat when it decided it was ready to come in. |
It'll happen eventually.