I was beginning to doubt brook trout eat in the winter. Past couple trips have been rough catching wise. I was planning on using last Saturday as a day to explore a new brookie stream, but changed my mind on the drive. I hit a stream that has produced well for me in the past, but also had other options close by just incase the trout decided to be lockjawed that day. Glad I did because the fishing was slow on Stream A. I managed to catch three brookies, but they were glued to the bottom and had to be worked hard for.
I thought at first this was a bear, but after talking to some people, seems like a Pileated Woodpecker was the culprit. Destructive little birds they are. |
Decided to head to Stream B and see if it was fishing any better. It was a little bigger of a stream, and while it gets a lot more pressure, it tends to hold bigger fish. Stream B brookies were a lot more willing to play.
Stream B |
Lunch: Pita Bread and Summer Sausage. |
Better trout of the day. |
I think this was man made. |
Glad to finally hit a stream on a day where the trout are active. While I enjoy just being out in God's country, I do occasionally like to catch fish. Thanks for reading.